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How to pass response body field to other request's body (Gatling)

I have two end point.



/authenticate return guid field on response body. and /authenticate/verification requires that field on request body.

I have tried to get guid like this :


and pass it to other body :

.body(StringBody(s"{\"guid\":${verificationGuid}, \"code\":\"123456\"}"))

this is the code block:

 def login = {
      .check(status is 200)
    .exec(http( "Authenticate verify")
    .body(StringBody(s"{\"guid\":${verificationGuid}, \"code\":\"123456\"}"))
    .check(status is 200)

But it doesnt work, how can I do this?


  • Remove s from s"{\"guid\":${verificationGuid}, \"code\":\"123456\"}"). If s is in front of string every ${something} placeholder will be treated as Scala built in string interpolation and compiler will try to replace it with Scala variable, which in your case does not exist. Without s it will be treated as literal string and than caught by Gatling EL Parser and replaced with previously saved Gatling session attribute.