I know how to list all the checkouts in a single view with:
cleartool lscheckout -recurse
I want to be able to crossreference the checkouts against the views that made the checkout.
Is there a way to list which view an element was checked-out by?
The output of lsco -long, when there is a lot of output, is not necessary human-friendly and depends on your location within the VOB in question.
To get a more friendly view, that will include files perhaps not visible in your current view, try this:
cleartool lscheckout -all -fmt "%Tf\t%n\n" | sort
This will print all checked out versions, sorted by and leading with the view tag that checked out the version. This may be blank or have a UUID if the view is not tagged in the current registry region. You could also use %TUf to get the UUID (which is always present) and post process the UUID to get the view tag if available.