I have a project which involves a lot of permutations on 3D arrays ( arma::Cube<cx_double>
). In particular, the required permutation is the interchange of columns by slices. In Matlab this is efficiently calculated by permute(cube,[1,3,2])
and in Python by numpy.transpose(cube,axis=[0,2,1])
Unfortunately Armadillo doesn't have a permute
function on its own. I have tried different approaches but all of them rather slow when compared to Matlab. I would like to know what's the faster way to permute (rather large) Cubes in Armadillo. Profiling the code with gprof
, most of the time is spent in the permute functions that I have tried below, whereas in Matlab, for the same ported project, most of the time is spent in SVD or QR matrix decompositions (reshape and permute are fast in matlab).
I would like to understand which is the fastest way to do this permutation in Armadillo and why some approaches work better than others.
Option 1: Raw permutation (Fastest option) (Is there a faster approach?)
Element-wise assignment of input cube to output cube.
template <typename T>
static Cube<T> permute (Cube<T>& cube){
uword D1=cube.n_rows;
uword D2=cube.n_cols;
uword D3=cube.n_slices;
Cube<T> output(D1,D3,D2);
for (uword s = 0; s < D3; ++s){
for (uword c = 0; c < D2; ++c){
for (uword r = 0; r < D1; ++r){
output.at(r, s, c) = cube.at(r, c, s);
// output[ D1*D3*c + D1*s+ r ] = cube[ D1*D2*s + D1*c + r ];
return output;
Option 2: Filling slices (Very slow)
Fill the slices of the output cube by non-contiguous subcube
template <typename T>
static Cube<T> permute (Cube<T>& cube_in){
uword D1 = cube_in.n_rows;
uword D2 = cube_in.n_cols;
uword D3 = cube_in.n_slices;
Cube<T> output;
output.zeros(D1, D3, D2);
for (uword c=0; c<D2; ++c) {
output.slice(c) = cube_in.subcube( span(0,D1-1),span(c),span(0,D3-1) );
return output;
Option 3: Transposing layers (slower than Raw permutation but comparable)
We can iterate over layers (fixed row) of the input cube and transpose them.
template <typename T>
static Cube<T> permute (Cube<T>& cube_in){
// in a cube, permute {1,3,2} (permute slices by columns)
uword D1 = cube_in.n_rows;
uword D2 = cube_in.n_cols;
uword D3 = cube_in.n_slices;
if(D3 > D2){
} else if (D2 > D3) {
for (uword r=0; r<D1; ++r) {
static cmat layer = cmat(cube_in.rows(r,r));
return cube_in;
Option 4: Look-up table Get non-contiguous access by reading indeces in a vector.
template <typename T>
arma::Cube<T> permuteCS (arma::Cube<T> cube_in){
// in a cube, permute {1,3,2} (permute slices by columns)
uword D1 = cube_in.n_rows;
uword D2 = cube_in.n_cols;
uword D3 = cube_in.n_slices;
cx_vec onedcube = cube_in.elem(gen_trans_idx(cube_in));
return arma::Cube<T>(onedcube.memptr(), D1, D3, D2, true ) ;
where gen_trans_idx
is a function that generates the indeces of the permuted cube:
template <typename T>
uvec gen_trans_idx(Cube<T>& cube){
uword D1 = cube.n_rows;
uword D2 = cube.n_cols;
uword D3 = cube.n_slices;
uvec perm132(D1*D2*D3);
uword ii = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < D2; ++c){
for (int s = 0; s < D3; ++s){
for (int r = 0; r < D1; ++r){
perm132.at(ii) = sub2ind(size(cube), r, c, s);
return perm132;
Ideally, one would pre-calculate these look-up tables if the Cube dimensions are determined beforehand.
Option 5 (in-place transposition) Very slow, memory efficient
// Option: In-place transpose
template <typename T>
arma::Cube<T> permuteCS (arma::Cube<T> cube_in, uvec permlist ){
T* Qpoint = cube_in.memptr(); // pointer to first element of cube_in
uvec updateidx = find(permlist - arma::linspace<uvec>(0,cube_in.n_elem-1,cube_in.n_elem)); // index of elements that change position in memory
uvec skiplist(updateidx.n_elem,fill::zeros);
uword rr = 0; // aux index for updatelix
for(uword jj=0;jj<updateidx.n_elem;++jj){
if(any(updateidx[jj] == skiplist)){ // if element jj has already been updated
// do nothing
} else {
uword scope = updateidx[jj];
T target = *(Qpoint+permlist[scope]); // store the value of the target element
while(any(scope==skiplist)-1){ // while wareyou has not been updated
T local = *(Qpoint+scope); // store local value
*(Qpoint+scope) = target;
uvec wareyou = find(permlist==scope); // find where the local value will appear
scope = wareyou[0];
target = local;
return cub
This code goes as addition to my commentary about memcpy
hack. Also don't forget to try to add const reference
to prevent copying objects.
template <typename T>
static Cube<T> permute(const Cube<T> &cube){
const uword D1 = cube.n_rows;
const uword D2 = cube.n_cols;
const uword D3 = cube.n_slices;
const uword D1_mul_D3 = D1 * D3;
const Cube<T> output(D1, D3, D2);
const T * from = cube.memptr();
T *to = output.memptr();
for (uword s = 0; s < D3; ++s){
T *to_tmp = to + D1 * s;
for (uword c = 0; c < D2; ++c){
memcpy(to_tmp, from, D1 * sizeof(*from));
from += D1;
to_tmp += D1_mul_D3;
return output;