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Fast array permutation (generalised tensor transpose) in Armadillo (C++)

I have a project which involves a lot of permutations on 3D arrays ( arma::Cube<cx_double>). In particular, the required permutation is the interchange of columns by slices. In Matlab this is efficiently calculated by permute(cube,[1,3,2]) and in Python by numpy.transpose(cube,axis=[0,2,1]).

Unfortunately Armadillo doesn't have a permute function on its own. I have tried different approaches but all of them rather slow when compared to Matlab. I would like to know what's the faster way to permute (rather large) Cubes in Armadillo. Profiling the code with gprof, most of the time is spent in the permute functions that I have tried below, whereas in Matlab, for the same ported project, most of the time is spent in SVD or QR matrix decompositions (reshape and permute are fast in matlab).

I would like to understand which is the fastest way to do this permutation in Armadillo and why some approaches work better than others.

Option 1: Raw permutation (Fastest option) (Is there a faster approach?)

Element-wise assignment of input cube to output cube.

template <typename T>
static Cube<T> permute (Cube<T>& cube){

uword D1=cube.n_rows;
uword D2=cube.n_cols;
uword D3=cube.n_slices;

Cube<T> output(D1,D3,D2);

for (uword s = 0; s < D3; ++s){
for (uword c = 0; c < D2; ++c){
for (uword r = 0; r < D1; ++r){, s, c) =, c, s);
    // output[ D1*D3*c + D1*s+ r ] = cube[ D1*D2*s + D1*c + r ]; 


return output;

Option 2: Filling slices (Very slow)

Fill the slices of the output cube by non-contiguous subcube views.

template <typename T>
static Cube<T> permute (Cube<T>& cube_in){

    uword D1 = cube_in.n_rows;
    uword D2 = cube_in.n_cols;
    uword D3 = cube_in.n_slices;

    Cube<T> output; 
    output.zeros(D1, D3, D2);

    for (uword c=0; c<D2; ++c) {
        output.slice(c) = cube_in.subcube( span(0,D1-1),span(c),span(0,D3-1) );

    return output;

Option 3: Transposing layers (slower than Raw permutation but comparable)

We can iterate over layers (fixed row) of the input cube and transpose them.

template <typename T>
static Cube<T> permute (Cube<T>& cube_in){
    // in a cube, permute {1,3,2} (permute slices by columns)

    uword D1 = cube_in.n_rows;
    uword D2 = cube_in.n_cols;
    uword D3 = cube_in.n_slices;

    if(D3 > D2){
    } else if (D2 > D3) {

    for (uword r=0; r<D1; ++r) {        
        static cmat layer = cmat(cube_in.rows(r,r)); 


    return cube_in;

Option 4: Look-up table Get non-contiguous access by reading indeces in a vector.

template <typename T>
arma::Cube<T> permuteCS (arma::Cube<T> cube_in){
    // in a cube, permute {1,3,2} (permute slices by columns)
    uword D1 = cube_in.n_rows;
    uword D2 = cube_in.n_cols;
    uword D3 = cube_in.n_slices;

    cx_vec onedcube = cube_in.elem(gen_trans_idx(cube_in));            

    return arma::Cube<T>(onedcube.memptr(), D1, D3, D2, true ) ;

where gen_trans_idx is a function that generates the indeces of the permuted cube:

template <typename T>
uvec gen_trans_idx(Cube<T>& cube){

    uword D1 = cube.n_rows;
    uword D2 = cube.n_cols;
    uword D3 = cube.n_slices;

    uvec perm132(D1*D2*D3);    
    uword ii = 0;                
    for (int c = 0; c < D2; ++c){
    for (int s = 0; s < D3; ++s){
    for (int r = 0; r < D1; ++r){ = sub2ind(size(cube), r, c, s);

    return perm132;

Ideally, one would pre-calculate these look-up tables if the Cube dimensions are determined beforehand.

Option 5 (in-place transposition) Very slow, memory efficient

// Option: In-place transpose
template <typename T>
arma::Cube<T> permuteCS (arma::Cube<T> cube_in, uvec permlist ){    

    T* Qpoint = cube_in.memptr(); // pointer to first element of cube_in

    uvec updateidx = find(permlist - arma::linspace<uvec>(0,cube_in.n_elem-1,cube_in.n_elem)); // index of elements that change position in memory           
    uvec skiplist(updateidx.n_elem,fill::zeros);

    uword rr = 0; // aux index for updatelix
    for(uword jj=0;jj<updateidx.n_elem;++jj){                

        if(any(updateidx[jj] == skiplist)){ // if element jj has already been updated
            // do nothing
        } else {

            uword scope = updateidx[jj];
            T target = *(Qpoint+permlist[scope]);        // store the value of the target element             

            while(any(scope==skiplist)-1){              // while wareyou has not been updated

                T local  = *(Qpoint+scope);                  // store local value                                                                
                *(Qpoint+scope) = target;       
                uvec wareyou = find(permlist==scope);        // find where the local value will appear                
                scope = wareyou[0];
                target = local;                            


    return cub



  • This code goes as addition to my commentary about memcpy hack. Also don't forget to try to add const reference to prevent copying objects.

    template <typename T>
    static Cube<T> permute(const Cube<T> &cube){
        const uword D1 = cube.n_rows;
        const uword D2 = cube.n_cols;
        const uword D3 = cube.n_slices;
        const uword D1_mul_D3 = D1 * D3;
        const Cube<T> output(D1, D3, D2);
        const T * from = cube.memptr();
        T *to = output.memptr();
        for (uword s = 0; s < D3; ++s){
            T *to_tmp = to + D1 * s;
            for (uword c = 0; c < D2; ++c){
                memcpy(to_tmp, from, D1 * sizeof(*from));
                from += D1;
                to_tmp += D1_mul_D3;
        return output;