I have 500 records with 10 columns. Based on the Date column I want to create two additional columns (date_id, record_id)
. The date column is unique.
Date_id column value should be: F + date + unique identifier
Record_id column value should be: C + date + unique identifier
For example:
Expected output:
Date date_id record_id
--------------- -------------------------- --------------
15Jul2017 F+15Jul2017+1 C+15Jul2017+1
15Jul2017 F+15Jul2017+2 C+15Jul2017+2
...so on until 500 records
15Jul2017 F+15Jul2017+500 C+15Jul2017+500
You can use row_number()
select t.date,
('F+' || date || '+' || row_number() over (order by date)) as date_id,
('c+' || date || '+' || row_number() over (order by date)) as record_id
from t;
If your date is really stored as a date and not a string, then you may need to format it to your preferred format.