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SapUi5 data binding on the radio button group is not working

can some one please advise on the two-way data binding of the radio buttons with SAP UI5. In the data model I have an attribute called textType, it can return "Y" or "N", based on that I have to select the correspondent radio button

 <m:RadioButton text="yes" selected="{path:'/textType',formatter: function(val){ if(textType== 'Y') return true; }else{ return false} }"/><m:RadioButton text="No" selected="{Selected}"/>

however I am not able to set the value. I tried using the radiobutton group however no success

 <RadioButtonGroup buttons="{/Type}" >
<RadioButton text="YES" selected = "{Selected}" />
<RadioButton text="No" selected = "{Selected}" />

can some one pls advise on this .

Updating the model data code .

    var stermType = this.getView().byId("rbgTermType").getSelectedButton().getText(),                   
    sElecReg = this.getView().byId("rbgElecReg").getSelectedButton().getText(),                 
    sOpenReg = this.getView().byId("rbgOpenReg").getSelectedButton().getText(),                 
    sConfirmgdpr = this.getView().byId("idConfirmgdpr").getSelected(),                      
    oData = {};                 
    oData = {                   
    Term_Type: stermType,                       
    Electoral_Reg: sElecReg,                    
    Open_Reg: sOpenReg,                     
    Data_Protection_Confirm: sConfirmgdpr,                  

    var that = this;                    
    var mParams = {                     
    success: function () {                          
    error: function (err) {                         
this.getOwnerComponent().getModel().update(  "/PassportVisaBankCitizenshipDetailsSet(StudentObjid='',PassportNumber='',AccountNumber='')", oData, mParams);


  • Well, if the property textType has either value Y or N, you will need to use expression binding:

     <RadioButtonGroup >
       <RadioButton text="YES" selected = "{= ${textType}==='Y'}" />
       <RadioButton text="No"  selected = "{= ${textType}==='N'}" />

    The disadvantage is that you lose two-way when using expression binding. So you will need an onSelect Event handler (check event name in api docs)

    If your property would be a Boolean, then you could just use

     <RadioButtonGroup >
       <RadioButton text="YES" selected = "{textType}" />
       <RadioButton text="No"  selected = "{=!${textType}}" />

    and be done

    UPDATE: Here is a working example:

    I have put the thwo above Radio Button Groups in place, using the sample model with content

              textType1: 'N',
              textType2: true

    The first {RadioButtonGroup} is working with {textType1} and an event handler is necessary

    The second {RadioButtonGroup} is working with the boolean {textType2} and no event handler is needed. Binding does everything for you.