I have an SVG which I currently display via an <img src="foobar.svg">
. The parent HTML has some CSS associated which defines variables which I need in the SVG. The SVG has a <style>
to hotlink this.
The CSS-variables defined in the parent seem to not be available to the SVG. Is there some way to make it work? I can't just copy the CSS; I could, as last resort, inline the SVG into the HTML.
The current setup is something to the tune of
<link rel="stylesheet" href="the_css_that_defines_the_variables.css">
<img src="foobar.svg">
<style type="text/css">svg { fill: var(--myvariable) }</style>
Variables cannot be transferred from one document to another. Within a single HTML document, variables can be declared in the inline style
attribute of individual elements, but that's about as far as you can go.
If the variable must be a CSS variable, you'll need to inline that SVG for it to be able to use it.