Is there a command to flag and clean different messages that have the same translation in a GetText po file ?
#: templates/translations.html:7161
msgid "Straightedges"
msgstr "Règles de précision"
#: templates/translations.html:11697
msgid "Straight hemostats"
msgstr "Règles de précision"
Is there a way to wipe all the translations in that case ?
You can use the following Perl script for that task:
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use Locale::PO;
die "usage: $0 POFILE\n" unless $ARGV[0];
binmode 'STDOUT', ':utf8';
my $entries = Locale::PO->load_file_asarray($ARGV[0], 'UTF-8')
or die "$ARGV[0]: $!\n";
my %seen;
foreach my $entry (@$entries) {
foreach my $entry (@$entries) {
my $msgstr = $entry->dequote($entry->msgstr);
#next if $seen{$msgstr} > 1;
$entry->msgstr("") if $seen{$msgstr} > 1;
print $entry->dump;
You need the Perl library Locale-PO
for that. You can install it with one the command sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Locale::PO'
. Omit the sudo
if you don't need it.
If you really want to delete the entries with duplicate translations, then uncomment the line with next
. My version just discards the translation which is most probably what you really want.
The solution oversimplifies a little bit. It does not support entries with plural forms or message contexts but you probably don't need them anyway.