I am trying to calculate the Spearman correlation and p-value for a data frame. For better p-value approxiamation, I must stick to the pspearman package. I am expecting a result similar with the rcorr()
function. But I have a problem when performing pspearman:spearman.test()
row by row.
My dataframe contains 5000 rows (genes), and 200 columns(spots). And I want to get a correlation matrix and p-value matrix for these 5000*5000 gene-gene pairs. The correlation is only calculated when both two genes are not NAs in more than two spots.
I can achieve this with loops but it is too slow for my big dataset. I have problems when I try to use apply(),sapply(),mapply()
to improve the speed.
This is what I've tried:
data = data.frame(matrix(rbinom(10*100000, 50, .5), ncol=200))
dim(data) #5000, 200
rownames(data) <- paste("gene", 1:5000, sep="")
colnames(data) <- paste("spot",1:200,sep='')
spearFunc = function(x,y=data) {
df = rbind(x,y)
# Check the number of complete spots.There are no NAs in this set.
complete = sum(!(is.na(x)) & !(is.na(y)))
if (complete >=2 ) {
# This function returns a list containing 8 values, like pvalue,correlation
pair.all1 = mapply(spearFunc,data,data)
# 8 200, 200 is the number of columns
pair.all2 = apply(data,1,spearFunc)
Which results in error:
Error in pspearman::spearman.test(as.numeric(x), as.numeric(y)) : (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
I hope to use spearman.test for every gene pair with apply() to do
It should return a dataframe of 8 rows and 25,000,000 columns(5000*5000 gene pairs).
Is it possible to use apply() inside apply() to achieve my purpose?
Consider creating pair-wise combinations of genes from row.names
with combn
and then iterating through the list of pairs through a defined function. Be sure to return an NA
structure from if
logic to avoid NULL
in matrix output.
However, be forewarned that pair-wise permutations of 5,000 genes (choose(5000, 2)
) results very high at 12,497,500 elements! Hence, sapply
(a loop itself) may not be that different in performance than for
. Look into parallelizing the iteration.
gene_combns <- combn(row.names(data), 2, simplify = FALSE)
spear_func <- function(x) {
row1 <- as.numeric(data[x[1],])
row2 <- as.numeric(data[x[2],])
# Check the number of complete spots.There are no NAs in this set.
complete = sum(!(is.na(x)) & !(is.na(y)))
if (complete >=2 ) {
pspearman::spearman.test(row1, row2)
} else {
c(statistic=NA, parameter=NA, p.value=NA, estimate=NA,
null.value=NA, alternative=NA, method=NA, data.name=NA)
pair.all2 <- sapply(gene_combns, spear_func)
Above has been tested with cor.test
(exactly same input args and output list as spearman.test but more accurate p-value
) using a small sample of dataset (50 obs, 20 vars):
data <- data.frame(matrix(rbinom(10*100000, 50, .5), ncol=200))[1:50, 1:20]
rownames(data) <- paste0("gene", 1:50)
colnames(data) <- paste0("spot", 1:20)
gene_combns <- combn(row.names(data), 2, simplify = FALSE)
# [[1]]
# [1] "gene1" "gene2"
# [[2]]
# [1] "gene1" "gene3"
# [[3]]
# [1] "gene1" "gene4"
# [[4]]
# [1] "gene1" "gene5"
# [[5]]
# [1] "gene1" "gene6"
# [[6]]
# [1] "gene1" "gene7"
test <- sapply(gene_combns, spear_func) # SAME FUNC BUT WITH cor.test
# [,1] [,2]
# statistic 885.1386 1659.598
# parameter NULL NULL
# p.value 0.1494607 0.2921304
# estimate 0.3344823 -0.2478179
# null.value 0 0
# alternative "two.sided" "two.sided"
# method "Spearman's rank correlation rho" "Spearman's rank correlation rho"
# data.name "row1 and row2" "row1 and row2"
# [,3] [,4]
# statistic 1554.533 1212.988
# parameter NULL NULL
# p.value 0.4767667 0.7122505
# estimate -0.1688217 0.08797877
# null.value 0 0
# alternative "two.sided" "two.sided"
# method "Spearman's rank correlation rho" "Spearman's rank correlation rho"
# data.name "row1 and row2" "row1 and row2"
# [,5]
# statistic 1421.707
# parameter NULL
# p.value 0.7726922
# estimate -0.06895299
# null.value 0
# alternative "two.sided"
# method "Spearman's rank correlation rho"
# data.name "row1 and row2"