I'm trying to prove a statement about VerifiedFunctor
interface (a Functor
which map
method respects identity and composition):
interface Functor f => VerifiedFunctor (f : Type -> Type) where
functorIdentity : {a : Type} -> (g : a -> a) -> ((v : a) -> g v = v) ->
(x : f a) -> map g x = x
Here's the statement (which logically says that map . map
for two given functors also respects identity):
functorIdentityCompose : (VerifiedFunctor f1, VerifiedFunctor f2) =>
(g : a -> a) -> ((v : a) -> g v = v) ->
(x : f2 (f1 a)) -> map (map g) x = x
functorIdentityCompose fnId prId = functorIdentity (map fnId) (functorIdentity fnId prId)
However, I'm getting following error:
Type mismatch between
(x : f1 a) -> map fnId x = x (Type of functorIdentity fnId prId)
(v : f a) -> map fnId v = v (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
f1 a
f a
I tried to specify all implicit arguments:
functorIdentityCompose : (VerifiedFunctor f1, VerifiedFunctor f2) =>
{a : Type} -> {f1 : Type -> Type} -> {f2 : Type -> Type} ->
(g : a -> a) -> ((v : a) -> g v = v) -> (x : f2 (f1 a)) ->
map {f=f2} {a=f1 a} {b=f1 a} (map {f=f1} {a=a} {b=a} g) x = x
... But got another error:
When checking argument func to function Prelude.Functor.map:
Can't find implementation for Functor f15
So any ideas what is wrong here and how to prove this statement?
Here is a heuristic: when "obvious" things don't work... eta-expand! So this works:
functorIdentityCompose : (VerifiedFunctor f1, VerifiedFunctor f2) =>
(g : a -> a) -> ((v : a) -> g v = v) ->
(x : f2 (f1 a)) -> map (map g) x = x
functorIdentityCompose fnId prId x =
functorIdentity (map fnId) (\y => functorIdentity fnId prId y) x
It looks like full application triggers instance search.