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Gremlin/Neptune vertex lookup by property using gremlinpython

Using the graph traversal object g, I can look up a vertex by ID:

>>> g.V().has("~id", "foo").toList()
[vp[category->my category], vp[title->my title], vp[description->my description], vp[myprop->my property]]

Looking up by "category" also works:

>>> g.V().has("category", "my category").toList()
[vp[category->my category], vp[title->my title], vp[description->my description], vp[myprop->my property]]

But looking up via another property produces no results:

>>> g.V().has("myprop", "my property").toList()

What might be different? The values are simple uppercase letters with dashes, so I doubt there's any escaping/unescaping going on.

(property names have been changed to protect the innocent)


  • The load process was overwriting the expected property value with a different one, but not providing sufficient feedback to identify that behavior.