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Microsoft VS2015 C++ Core Guidelines Analysis: "no array to pointer decay (bounds.3)" for vtable?

When I run the CppCoreCheck code analysis on my VS2015 project, I get a number of warnings which seem "unfixable" because they refer to the underlying C++ implementation of classes and vtables:

An example class:

// Header file
class IMyClass {
    virtual ~IMyClass() {}
    virtual void MyMethod() = 0;

class MyClass : public virtual IMyClass {
    virtual ~MyClass();
    virtual void MyMethod() override;

// Impl file
MyClass::MyClass() { } // This line creates two warnings from CppCoreCheck
MyClass::~MyClass() { }
void MyClass::MyMethod() { }

And the warnings:

warning C26485: Expression 'MyClass::`vbtable'': No array to pointer decay. (bounds.3:
warning C26481: Don't use pointer arithmetic. Use span instead. (bounds.1:

The line which the warning is complaining about references the constructor definition for MyClass

For clarity; I am not directly referencing the vtable anywhere in my code; I'm simply using virtual inheritance in a 100% typical fashion.

Can someone confirm if this is a bug specific to VS2015's implementation of the CppCoreCheck? If so, is it resolved in VS2017?


  • This is a known issue in VS2015 which will not be fixed. It is resolved as of VS2017, v15.5.