Im new to RxSwift and working on with one of the application.
I had come across an issue where in my viewModel i get a custom DriverType(because of my algorithms or function calls which i needed in my case),
say : Driver<MyOwnObjectType>
. Now i want to convert this to MyOwnObjectType
. I know i can do this by having the binders in the respective viewcontroller, like below ex:
fileprivate var testing: Binder<MyOwnObjectType> {
return self.rx.selfBinder {_self, _value in
// value is the actual MyOwnObjectType
// Can i able to return this value?
But now i want to avoid the above , just wanted to retrieve the value MyOwnObjectType
, or is there any way to bind using some method and return the value we bind?
Thanks in advance.
This is very poor practice and really should be avoided.
That said, if you really need it while refactoring to full RxSwift, you can bind to a BehaviorRelay and then use .value
to get the current value out.