Code below doesn't compile. Main:
#include "preset.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
SomeA a1(4);
WrapA wA1(a1);
WrapA wA2(std::move(wA1)); //fails to compile here
return a.exec();
preset.h :
#include <QDebug>
class SomeA
SomeA(int l){val = l;}
SomeA(const SomeA& original): val(original.val){qDebug()<<"sA copy;";}
SomeA(SomeA&& original){std::swap(val, original.val); qDebug()<<"sA move;";}
SomeA operator = (const SomeA&);
int val{0};
class WrapA
WrapA(SomeA obj): aObj(obj){}
WrapA(const WrapA& original): aObj(original.aObj) {qDebug()<<"wA copy";}
WrapA(WrapA&& original) {aObj(std::move(original.aObj)); qDebug()<<"wA move";} //no match for call (SomeA)(std::remove_reference<SomeA&>::type)
SomeA aObj{0};
I suppose std::move doesn't cast from reference to rvalue. Any ideas how to achieve such a deep move c-tor? I guess I miss something, but can't understand what exactly
WrapA(WrapA&& original) {aObj(std::move(original.aObj)); qDebug()<<"wA move";}
You meant to write this as
WrapA(WrapA&& original) : aObj(std::move(original.aObj)) {qDebug()<<"wA move";}
See also the copy constructor for reference.
(There must be a similar question to this already, but I can't find it.)