This is my firebase database and table:
I want to retrieve data from table 'active' by using userID. I tried it like this in my service.ts file.
return new Observable(obs => {
.subscribe(res => {
assume current userID userID = "oiV0Q09hLbWv0nhFUeFd94aWF3f1"
and that table has so many another UserID also.I want to get current user details only.Using that code i receive all data in table.How can get only current user data using UserID.How can i edit my code ?
Based on the angulafire2 doc, I think you should do like the following. In other words, you should narrow your query in such a way the filtering is done at the level of the database itself and not on the client side.
return new Observable(obs => {
this.db.list('/active', ref => ref.orderByKey().equalTo('oiV0Q09hLbWv0nhFUeFd94aWF3f1'))
.subscribe(res => {
Note that the angulafire2 doc gives also some explanations about Dynamic Querying.
You can also read the Firebase doc about querying, here, which gives more details on querying techniques.