Search code examples

NODE JS - request npm - manipulate url body

I'm working on a server side (self) project with node js (for the first time), and i ran into some difficulties.

My goal is the following:

first part - Im using "/uploads/processData" URL in my server to get URL(s) from the user request.

Now i want to access the user request URL(s) and get their HTML(s) file(s), to do so i'm using the "request" npm package (code below).

second part - I want access the body that I get back from the request package (from the first part), so I'm using cheerio npm package to do so.

Now to my problem - lets say that i'm trying to get the body of the url:

From some reason that i cant understand (probably because of lack of knowledge at web development), I dont always get the same body that i see when I review the above page (link) using F12, with my first part code. Hence sometimes my cheerio extraction (the second part) works as i expect and sometime does not (because some element from the full/original HTML file are missing). At first I thought it might be cache thing, so I added a middleware to set "nocache" flag.

What am I missing here? Does the way I try to operate wrong? Is there any way to ensure i get the same full/original HTML everytime?

Here is my code so far - nocache middleware

function nocache(req, res, next) {
res.header("Cache-Control", "private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
  res.header("Expires", "-1");
  res.header("Pragma", "no-cache");

EDIT"/processGoogleSearchData", nocache, (req, res) => {
  //Assuming getting in req.body the google result JSON as "googleSearchResult"
  var itemsArr = [];
  var linksArr = [];
  var bodysArr = [];
  itemsArr = req.body.googleSearchResult.items;
  if (itemsArr.length === 0) {
    //return appropriate message
    return res.status(400).send({ message: "No data sent to server" });
  var linksArr = =>;

  //Get the needed info from every link
  linksArr.forEach(link => {
    request(link, (err, response, body) => {
      if (!err && response.statusCode === 200) {
        var $ = cheerio.load(body);
        var tr = $(".a-lineitem").children();
        var priceTd = tr.find(".a-span12");
        var priceSpan = priceTd.find("#priceblock_ourprice");
        //when trying to build array of bodys the extraction doesnt work at all

I changed my code to the above, and it seems like the data extraction works more often. Can anyone explain why the extraction still sometimes doesnt work? I tried return bodysArr for debbug purposes but when i do that the extraction does not work at all and my path response is always an empty array, why is that?


  • The problem is that:


    is executed straight after the call to

    linksArr.forEach(link => {

    The callbacks

    (err, response, body) => {
      if (!err && response.statusCode === 200) {
        var $ = cheerio.load(body);
        var tr = $(".a-lineitem").children();
        var priceTd = tr.find(".a-span12");
        var priceSpan = priceTd.find("#priceblock_ourprice");
        //when trying to build array of bodys the extraction doesnt work at all

    won't be guaranteed to have fired yet. What you want is ensure that res.send(bodysArr) runs after all the requests have happened

    There are a few ways to handle this, one is with the excellent async library.

    Hopefully you can get the gist of it with this example.

    var array = [1,2,3]
    function asyncRequest(input, callback){
      //Do your fetch request here and call callback when done
      setTimeout(callback, 10); //using setTiemout as an example
    async.each(array, asyncRequest, (err) => {
        throw err;
      console.log("All Finished");
    <script src=""></script>