Is there a Haxe code formatter, to beautify code?
Alternatively, if there is one that is made for other languages, but works well enough, it can also be accepted.
There's now a dedicated code formatter for Haxe called haxe-formatter. Compared to astyle, it actually properly understands all Haxe-specific constructs, including the latest Haxe 4 syntax and conditional compilation. You can install it from Haxelib and reformat your code from the command line:
haxelib install formatter
haxelib run formatter -s <source-directory>
It's also integrated into the Haxe extension for VSCode out of the box:
A very convenient way to use it is to enable "format on save" and "format on paste" in your settings, so your code is always formatted correctly:
"[haxe]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.formatOnPaste": true
But of course, you can also invoke the Format Document
command manually (Shift+Alt+F).