I'm trying to replace all instances of an old BB tag markup in a MySql database with a newer, slightly different one.
The old format is this...
[youtube:********]{Video ID}[/youtube:********]
Which I would like to replace with this...
[youtube:********]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v={Video ID}[/youtube:********]
Where the *'s are a random string of alpha-numeric characters. So simply REPLACE(feild, '[youtube:********]', '[youtube:********]http://www.youtube.com?watch?v=
won't do unfortunately.
All the clumsy attempts I've made using REPLACE()
and INSTR()
have resulted in nasty things like [b]Bold Text[/b]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
Is there a way to do this kind of pattern replacement in MySql? Possibly with Regular Expressions?
Thank you.
Is this what you tried?
UPDATE table SET Field = REPLACE(Field,']{',']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v={')
This would depend if there isnt any other occurences of ']{'
EDIT: You may also want to try:
UPDATE table SET Field = LEFT(Field,#) + 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v='+
Just check the syntax with MYSQl docs. Char_LNEGTH() may need to be LENGTH() - im sure you get the idea