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Generate multiple graph in png format with graphviz and C++ without system command

I am trying to generate graphs in picture format from graphviz in a C++ application.

The way I proceed is the following. From boost library, I create an adjancy_list:

struct VertexP { std::string tag; std::string shape;std::string style; };
struct EdgeP { std::string symbol; std::string color; };
struct GraphP { };

typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS, VertexP, EdgeP, GraphP> Graph;

I have a function which build my graph recursively from external data

Graph addnode_progeny(data, Graph );

Then, I have a function which generate the dot file of this graph.

void printGraphDot(Graph g, std::string file_path){
std::ofstream dot_file(file_path+".dot");
dynamic_properties dp;"node_id", get(&VertexP::tag, g));"label", get(&VertexP::tag, g));"shape", get(&VertexP::shape, g));"style", get(&VertexP::style, g));"label", get(&EdgeP::symbol, g));"color", get(&EdgeP::color, g));"rankdir", boost::make_constant_property<Graph*>(std::string("TB")));
write_graphviz_dp(dot_file, g, dp);

Until this point, everything goes fine.

Now, I want to transform this dot file into png file. I do not want to pass by a system("dot -Tpng input -o output") command as, I dont want to oblige the user to have graphviz installed.

I have found a first idea in the following post: Generate image of GraphViz graph given dot text c++

I have adapted the code. I have added it to the previous function and it works when I need to generate ONE graph.

The new function is:

void printGraphDot(Graph g, std::string file_path){
std::ofstream dot_file(file_path+".dot");
dynamic_properties dp;"node_id", get(&VertexP::tag, g));"label", get(&VertexP::tag, g));"shape", get(&VertexP::shape, g));"style", get(&VertexP::style, g));"label", get(&EdgeP::symbol, g));"color", get(&EdgeP::color, g));"rankdir", boost::make_constant_property<Graph*>(std::string("TB")));

write_graphviz_dp(dot_file, g, dp);
std::string o_arg = "-o" +file_path+".png";
std::string i_arg = file_path+".dot";
char* args[] = {const_cast<char*>("dot"),
                const_cast<char*>(o_arg.c_str()) };

const int argc = sizeof(args)/sizeof(args[0]);
Agraph_t *h, *prev = NULL;
GVC_t *gvc;
gvc = gvContext();
gvParseArgs(gvc, argc, args);

while ((h = gvNextInputGraph(gvc)))
  if (prev)
    gvFreeLayout(gvc, prev);
  gvLayoutJobs(gvc, h);
  gvRenderJobs(gvc, h);
  prev = h;

However, for multiple graph, if I call again this function, it does not work and I have a segmentation error. In fact, it is written that we can use only one GVC_t in an application, in the following documentation, page 25:

So in the following case, it stops the program with segmentation fault:

printGraphDot( g1,  file_path1);
printGraphDot( g2,  file_path2);

Is there another way to generate png graph from dot file inside a C++ application without using the command?

Thank you very much for your help. Cheers


  • I found a way, I used the following function and it works and I added this answer as well in Generate image of GraphViz graph given dot text c++:

    bool saveImageGV(std::string file_path){
        GVC_t *gvc;
        Agraph_t *g;
        FILE *fp;
        gvc = gvContext();
        fp = fopen((file_path+".dot").c_str(), "r");
        g = agread(fp, 0);
        gvLayout(gvc, g, "dot");
        gvRender(gvc, g, "png", fopen((file_path+".png").c_str(), "w"));
        gvFreeLayout(gvc, g);
        return (gvFreeContext(gvc));