I have several entitites:
TranslationUnit has relationship ManyToMany with TranslationValue.
TranslationValue has 1-1 with Locale.
Locale has meaningful field - jhi_value;
What I need to do is: Select those TranslationUnits, that:
1) do not have related TranslationValues (which means - do not have translation at all) 2) do not have TranslationValues with specific Locale (e.g, "en").
I've built SQL query for that, works perfectly in my Postgres DB:
select * from translation_unit tu where not exists ( select null from translation_value tv join locale l on tv.locale_id =l.id where l.jhi_value='en' and tu.id=tv.translation_unit_id);
I need to build Specification for this (it will be combined with other existing Specifications).
Appreciate any help.
Found the solution:
Subquery<TranslationValue> subquery = q.subquery(TranslationValue.class);
Root<TranslationValue> from = subquery.from(TranslationValue.class);
cb.equal(from.get(TranslationValue_.LOCALE).get(Locale_.VALUE), filterRequest.getLanguageCode())),
cb.equal(r.get(TranslationUnit_.ID), from.get(TranslationValue_.TRANSLATION_UNIT))