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How to use `request` in the custom fields of `list_display` in Django Admin?

I need to keep information about filtering and searching in Django admin change page.

So when user filters by "?away_team__id__exact=267821", I need to append this query to change page url.

Let's say we filtered objects by query above. This is the url of change list:

I want to make change field which redirects user to change page of the current object and appends query to the url so instead:

The url will be:

The problem is that I couldn't access request in the custom field method. I tried to do it using template language but without success, I get:{{%20request.GET.urlencode%20}}

This is the method:

def change(self,obj):
    return mark_safe(f"""<a class="changelink" href="{reverse("admin:matches_match_change",args=(,))}"""+"?{{ request.GET.urlencode }}\""+"><span class='icon'>Zmeniť</span></a>")

Do you know how to do that?


This is because I need to create a NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons in change object page so user can step directly to the next object.


  • You can just store the current request on the admin instance in the change list view to make it available to subsequent methods:

    class YourAdmin(ModelAdmin):
        def changelist_view(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            self.request = request
            return super().changelist_view(request, *args, **kwargs)
        def change(self, obj):
            request = getattr(self, 'request', None)
            if request:
               # use request.GET to construct the link