I am currently taking a compilers class and I am having a hard time understanding LR(1) parsing algorithms using the action/goto table and also how to hand generate these tables. Right now we are using Engineering a Compiler by Cooper and Torczon as our class text book and I have also read the wikipedia pages on table generation but I still do not understand the concepts. If possible can anyone recommend any other book that explains parsing well or an online resource? I would think many universities would have good online resources/slides on the subject but I have no idea on where to start looking. Thanks!
some decent lecture notes...
Understanding and Writing Compilers has a section, What are the True Advantages of LR(1) Analysis?
(also available freely online)
Here is a link to a decent summary, although explanation is lacking.
more lecture notes...
and notes here...
(including goto and action tables)
Sorry I can't explain personally, I'm not too sure myself. Maybe you will find a kind, more knowledgeable soul around.