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Hi Progress OpenEdge dev,

I am using the following syntax to generate an XML file from temp table. All is good but for one item.

dataset dsCust:write-xml("FILE", "c:/Test/Customer.xml", true).

This is my temp table declaration

def temp-table ttCustomer no-undo         
  namespace-uri "http://WMS.URI"
  namespace-prefix "ns0"
  field PurchaseOrderNumber       as char
  field Plant                     as char.

This is my output

<ns0:GoodsReceipt xmlns:ns0="http://WMS.URI">

But this is my desired output

<ns0:GoodsReceipt xmlns:ns0="http://WMS.URI">

Notice the element inside GoodsReceipt node does not have ns0 prefix. Can this achived using write-xml? I want to avoid using DOM or SAX if possible.

Thank you


  • You can always manually set attributes and tag-names using XML-NODE-TYPE and SERIALIZE-NAME.

    However: I've worked with lot's of xml:s and API:s together with Progress OpenEdge and have yet to fail based on namespace-problems but I guess it might depend on what you want to do with the data.

    Since you don't include the entire dataset this is something of a guess. It produces more or less what you want for this specific case. I don't know how multiple "receipts" should be rendered though so you might need to change this.

    DEFINE TEMP-TABLE ttCustomer NO-UNDO SERIALIZE-NAME "ns0:GoodsReceipt"
        FIELD xmlns               AS CHARACTER SERIALIZE-NAME "xmlns:ns0" INITIAL "http://WMS.URI" XML-NODE-TYPE "ATTRIBUTE"
        FIELD PurchaseOrderNumber AS CHARACTER 
        FIELD Plant               AS CHARACTER .
        FOR ttCustomer .
    CREATE ttCustomer.
    ASSIGN Plant = "Rose".
    DATASET dsCust:write-xml("FILE", "c:/temp/Customer.xml", TRUE).