I am trying to draw a graph from my ontology which is in RDF format.I am following "https://github.com/scienceai/jsonld-vis" repositry to develop.I am getting error when trying to replicate the above github code.I am adding my code for the aobve implemetation HERE
I came across many comments saying above github repositry works.But i am not to figure it out. Please help
d3.jsonldVis(mockData, '#graph', {
w: 800,
h: 600,
maxLabelWidth: 250,
tipClassName: 'tip-class'
If there are any other libraries i can use to implement the above in angularjs,javascript environment please mention.
I'm not sure if this is to be answered but anyway with minor changes the example can be reproduced:
Minor Changes:
wasn't being includedlink
tag to include it.import
statements here. Read more about import here or hereFork: https://plnkr.co/edit/KkNHWQa0xxiotB4tN7Ru?p=preview
Suggestions? d3 Collapsible Tree is a great viz that you can refer to and customize as per your requirements.