I just installed the lens
library so I can easily set
in a nested data structure. However, i ran into a problem. Here is a minimal example to demonstrate my problem
The following code doesn't compile:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens
data MyRecord = MyRecord
{ _func :: forall . a -> a
makeLenses ''MyRecord
changeMyRecord :: MyRecord -> MyRecord
changeMyRecord r = r & func .~ id
The error is No Instance for (Contravariant Identity) arising from use of 'func'
I had a look at Contravariant
, and I'm pretty sure that it is impossible for me to make this instance since
class Contravariant f where
contramap :: (a -> b) -> f b -> f a
i.e. If f = \x -> x
I don't see where i'm going to find something of type a
to apply to the function argument (a-> b)
Is there a different way to modify a MyRecord
using lenses? Or could I perhaps avoid RankNTypes
somehow, but still pass around a polymorphic _func
in my record? Or something else?
Record update syntax is off the cards - imagine that MyRecord
is deeply nested.
Please assume very little haskell knowledge when answering, in particular I only started looking at the lens library today
is pulling a hack here – it wouldn't be possible to use func
as a lens (or other write-capable optic) with type
func :: Lens' MyRecord (a -> a)
because that would mean you can put any concrete-type endofunction in, like
changeMyRecord :: MyRecord -> MyRecord
changeMyRecord r = r & func .~ ((+1) :: Int -> Int)
So instead, it makes func
only a getter
func :: Getter' MyRecord (a -> a)
...which is ok, because a universal-polymorphic function can be used on any type, so the following works:
useMyRecord :: MyRecord -> String
useMyRecord r = show (r^.func $ 1 :: Int)
And seeing that
type Getter s a = ∀ f. (Contravariant f, Functor f) => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
that's where that Contravariant
constraint comes from. The No Instance for Contravariant
error message is just VanLaarhoven-Kmett-ish for Can't use a ‘Getter’ as a ‘Setter’
What you'd actually want to have is of course
func :: Lens' MyRecord (∀ a . a -> a)
but that's unfortunately an impredicative type, which Haskell doesn't support. Namely, it would expand to
func :: ∀ f . Functor f => ((∀ a . a -> a) -> f (∀ a . a -> a)) -> MyRecord -> f MyRecord
Note that there's a ∀
inside the f
To get the semantics of such a polymorphic-field lens, you'll need to wrap that in a Rank-0 type:
newtype PolyEndo = PolyEndo { getPolyEndo :: ∀ a . a -> a }
data MyRecord = MyRecord
{ _func :: PolyEndo
makeLenses ''MyRecord
-- func :: Lens' MyRecord PolyEndo