I was trying to export an object from marmoset toolbag which is textured and animated. However, even though i could play animation in marmoset, im unable to find the same when I export it as gltf file from marmoset. It is unable to export with animations.
I would use the same gltf/glb file in three.js import, but unable play the animation.
GLB file export from marmoset toolbag: Download
var animations = gltf.animations;
if ( animations && animations.length ) {
mixerf = new THREE.AnimationMixer( Objloaded1 );
for ( var i = 0; i < animations.length; i ++ ) {
mixerf.clipAction( animations[ i ] ).play();
with this above code i'm able to play animations of other gltf models but not the one from marmoset. kindly help.
For Now,
I have tried contacting marmoset support. They confirm that there is no animation support for .gltf export yet.