I am trying to get tweets that were tweeted from a specific location e.g. 'LA' using the rtweet package. I know the twitteR package used to have something of the sort like:
a<-searchTwitter("sydney", n=100, geocode='-33.871841,151.206709, 10000mi')
where you could even specify the radius.
Is there a way to do add that functionality to the rtweet stream?
From rtweet
rt <- search_tweets(
"lang:en", geocode = lookup_coords("usa"), n = 10000
Stream example from the help page:
timeout = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7,
file_name = "tweetsabouttrump.json",
parse = FALSE,
But you'll need a Google Maps API Key for lookup_coords
(See here).