/* Define a Prolog predicate replicate/3 which corresponds to
* the Haskell function of the same name, except that the numeric
* argument is expressed symbolically.
* For example, replicate(s(s(s(0))),a,[a,a,a]) should be satisfied.
So far I've come to this solution:
replicate(X,Y,[Y|Z]) :- replicate(p(X),Y,Z).
but the problem is that the s(s(s(0))) is not getting reduced by the pred function. it results into p(p(p(s(s(s(0))))))
could you guys help me out?
This is Haskell's replicate
coded with the (deprecated) n+k
replicate 0 _ = []
replicate (n+1) a = a : x where x = replicate n a
This directly corresponds to the Prolog definition:
replicate(0, _, []).
replicate(s(N), A, [A | X]) :- replicate(N, A, X).
We just move the result into the arguments list, and make it the last argument to the predicate:
x = replicate n a -----> replicate(N, A, X).
The pattern matching is the same. What's not the same, is that Prolog is not an expression-oriented language. There are no expressions which get evaluated before being used as arguments in the next function call; instead, there are terms which are auto-quoted, always, used as is as arguments to predicates.