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How to narrow down the auth/drive scope for a google apps script?

I've built a google apps script web application. For Google Drive related features the application requires auth/drive.install (to integrate with Drive UI) and auth/drive.file (to store some data associated with a file in the related file properties) scopes. Other scopes are auth/urlshortener, auth/, and auth/userinfo.profile. The two latter are required for auth purposes, as far as I understand.

The above scopes are specified at oauth dance within the app. However, at app installation the following scopes are presented to a user:

  • View and manage the files in your Google Drive (corresponds with auth/drive scope)
  • Manage your short URLs (auth/urlshortener)
  • and three other that correspond with auth/script_* scopes

This correlates with scopes from the script properties.

5 OAuth Scopes required by the script:

https: //
https: // 
https: // 
https: // 
https: //

Obviously, auth/drive and auth/urlshortner are added as a result of Advanced Google Services use, that are turned on in both GAS IDE (Resources > Advanced Google services) and Developer's Console.

GAS IDE doesn't allow specifying any scope narrower than e.g. auth/drive. Google Apps Marketplace SDK configuration in Developer's Console doesn't allow to add any specific scopes for some reason. Actually, it allows adding but doesn't save any.

The problem:

Recently Google introduced a review procedure for OAuth clients requesting sensitive OAuth scopes and auth/drive is definitely a one of.

I do not need the entire auth/drive scope and also I do not want users seeing anything like this: This app ins't verified

Is there a way to narrow down the drive scope via GAS IDE or Developer's Console?

The script itself doesn't employ any auth/script_* functionality. Those were added somehow implicitly since I employed node google apps script module for development. I don't need user's permission for those. How to get rid of that?

Any workarounds?


  • Just dealing with this myself.

    I found the following references from Google helpful ("Setting explicit scopes" option) and

    Summary: You have to edit the appsscript.json manifest file. This isn't visible by default in your file list. Click on menu "View"->"Show manifest file" to make it so.

    Then add a "oauthScopes" section to the manifest with an array containing the scopes you find under menu "File"->"Project properties" in the "Scopes" tab (of course make it a proper json array). Pare down the excess scopes and/or swap out for less permissive scopes (readonly instead of full access, etc).