I have a table with multiple records for each individual (ID1
) and would like the row shading (i.e. kable_styling(c("striped"))
to alternate by group (ID1
) rather than by every other row. I was hoping I could add group_by(ID1)
to the code below... Alas I am still in search of a solution. While there are lots of helpful tips are shown here, I have not been able to find a solution.
I am also wondering how to make a single outside border to the table rather than border every cell.
Below is a reproducible data set.
Many thanks in advance.
```{r echo=F, warning=F, message = FALSE}
Dat <- data.frame(
ID1 = sample(c("AAA", "BBB", "CCC","DDD"), 100, replace = T),
ID2 = sample(c("Cat", "Dog", "Bird"), 100, replace = T),
First = rnorm(100),
Two = sample.int(100))
ExTbl <- Dat %>%
group_by(ID1, ID2) %>%
summarize(One = mean(First),
Max = max(Two)) %>%
kable(ExTbl) %>%
kable_styling(c("striped", "bordered"), full_width = F)
> head(as.data.frame(ExTbl) )
ID1 ID2 One Max
1 AAA Bird 0.15324169 86
2 AAA Cat -0.02726006 83
3 AAA Dog -0.19618126 78
4 BBB Bird 0.62176633 100
5 BBB Cat -0.35502912 77
6 BBB Dog -0.29977145 87
Right now there is no direct approach in kableExtra but this is the method I used last time. Maybe I should pack this into this package.
Dat <- data.frame(
ID1 = sample(c("AAA", "BBB", "CCC","DDD"), 100, replace = T),
ID2 = sample(c("Cat", "Dog", "Bird"), 100, replace = T),
First = rnorm(100),
Two = sample.int(100))
ExTbl <- Dat %>%
group_by(ID1, ID2) %>%
summarize(One = mean(First),
Max = max(Two)) %>%
ind_end <- cumsum(rle(as.character(ExTbl$ID1))$lengths)
ind_start <- c(1, ind_end[-length(ind_end)] + 1)
pos <- purrr::map2(ind_start, ind_end, seq)
pos <- unlist(pos[1:length(pos) %% 2 != 0])
kable(ExTbl) %>%
kable_styling(c("bordered"), full_width = F) %>%
row_spec(pos, background = "#EEEEEE")