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How to do two JOIN query from the same table in Vapor 3 using Fluent?

This is what I want to do (using postgresql):

select H."name", A."name"

FROM "Matches" M

JOIN "Teams" H ON M."homeTeamID" =

JOIN "Teams" A ON M."awayTeamID" =

//This will give me an error

return Matches.query(on: request)
.join(\, to: \Matches.homeTeamID)
.join(\, to: \Matches.awayTeamID)

Here is the error:


error: true,

reason: "table name "Teams" specified more than once"


Any help is appreciated! Thanks!


  • @arema, I tried to reproduce your use case and had a similar issue with Fluent. I reported the issue on Fluent's github:

    Here is a workaround, but it's far from elegant.

    // Requires conforming `Match` to hashable, Equatable.
    func getMatches2Handler(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<[MatchObjects]> {
        return map(
            to: [MatchObjects].self,
            Match.query(on: req).join(\, to: \Match.homeTeamID).alsoDecode(Team.self).all(),
            Match.query(on: req).join(\, to: \Match.awayTeamID).alsoDecode(Team.self).all()
        ) { homeTuples, awayTuples in
            let homeDictionary = homeTuples.toDictionary()
            let awayDictionary = awayTuples.toDictionary()
            var matchObjectsArray: [MatchObjects] = []
            for (match, homeTeam) in homeDictionary {
                let awayTeam = awayDictionary[match]!
                matchObjectsArray.append(MatchObjects(match: match, homeTeam: homeTeam, awayTeam: awayTeam))
            return matchObjectsArray
    extension Array {
        func toDictionary<K,V>() -> [K:V] where Iterator.Element == (K,V) {
            return self.reduce([:]) {
                var dict:[K:V] = $0
                dict[$1.0] = $1.1
                return dict