I'm not able to write the parameter in the data set like I have with two non-calculated parameters. If I'm going about this the wrong way any help is greatly appreciated to get me on the right track.
Data Set Query
, inmast.fdescript
, inmast.fonhand
, inmast.fnonnetqty
, inmast.fcstscode
, inmast.fsource
, inmast.fprodcl
, inprod.fpc_desc
, inmast.fsafety
, inmast.fbook
, inmast.fonorder
, inmast.fproqty
, inmast.freordqty
From inmast
inner join inprod
on inmast.fac + inmast.fprodcl = inprod.fac + inprod.fpc_number
Where inmast.fcstscode = @Code and inmast.fsource = @Source
Calculated Expression
+ inmast.fonorder
+ inmast.fproqty
- inmast.fbook
- inmast.fnonnetqty
- inmast.fsafety < 0
) = @CalculatedExpression
You cannot use values from the DataSet to create a Parameter value. The Parameter is used to create the DataSet and therefore the values would not be available for the parameter.
I believe this will accomplish what you're trying to do. First, your new query is:
, inmast.fdescript
, inmast.fonhand
, inmast.fnonnetqty
, inmast.fcstscode
, inmast.fsource
, inmast.fprodcl
, inprod.fpc_desc
, inmast.fsafety
, inmast.fbook
, inmast.fonorder
, inmast.fproqty
, inmast.freordqty
From inmast
inner join inprod
on inmast.fac + inmast.fprodcl = inprod.fac + inprod.fpc_number
Where inmast.fcstscode = @Code and inmast.fsource = @Source
+ inmast.fonorder
+ inmast.fproqty
- inmast.fbook
- inmast.fnonnetqty
- inmast.fsafety
) < 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END = @CalculatedValue
Next for your new Parameter named @CalculatedValue you will create two default values.
- label "Less than 0" and value 0
- label "More than 0" and value 1
What is happening is the case statement will return 0 if the sum of your calculation is less than 0. It will return 1 if it is >= 0. Your @CalculatedValue will just match to that value to filter your results appropriately.