Just want to ask for help in this error, seems like there is little documentation about this error. I created a Word add-in that utilizes MS Graph, when I deployed it through Azure App Service and run the add-in in Word. It throws this error:
Error code: 13004
Name: Invalid application resource Url provided.
Message: Invalid resource Url specified in the manifest.
Do note that I am using Azure's default app service URL for my add-in, which is something like https://yourappname.azurewebsite.net
This is what the documentation says about 13004:
Invalid Resource. The add-in manifest hasn’t been configured correctly. Update the manifest. For more information, see Validate and troubleshoot issues with your manifest. The most common problem is that the Resource element (in the WebApplicationInfo element) has a domain that does not match the domain of the add-in. Although the protocol part of the Resource value should be "api" not "https"; all other parts of the domain name (including port, if any) should be the same as for the add-in.