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Compute off-nadir angle of vector from satellite to ground

I'd like to write Python code to specify the orbit of a satellite with Keplerian elements, specify a point on the Earth with latitude, longitude, and altitude, specify a time, and compute the angle between two vectors:
- the vector from the satellite to the specified point on the Earth
- the vector from the satellite to the center of the Earth.

I know I can use poliastro to define the orbit and propagate it to the specified time. The hard part is representing the satellite and the Earth point in the same coordinate system.


  • poliastro currently doesn't specify a coordinate system. Someone in their chat room told me that Earth orbits are in GCRS. astropy can convert GCRS to ITRS, which is an Earth-centered Earth-fixed frame:

    import math
    import numpy as np
    from astropy import units as u
    from astropy.time import Time
    from poliastro.bodies import Earth
    from poliastro.twobody import Orbit
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    def lla2ecef(lat, lon, alt):
        """ Convert lat/lon/alt to cartesian position in ECEF frame.
        Origin is center of Earth. +x axis goes through lat/lon (0, 0).
        +y axis goes through lat/lon (0, 90). +z axis goes through North Pole.
        lat: number, geodetic latitude in degrees
        lon: number, longitude in degrees
        alt: number, altitude above WGS84 ellipsoid, in km
        Returns: tuple (x, y, z) coordinates, in km.
        Source: "Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984"
        Page 4-4
        National Imagery and Mapping Agency
        Last updated June, 2004
        NIMA TR8350.2
        lon = lon * math.pi/180.0  # Convert to radians
        lat = lat * math.pi/180.0  # Convert to radians
        # WGS84 ellipsoid constants:
        a = 6378.137 #equatorial radius, in km
        e = 8.1819190842622e-2
        # intermediate calculation: prime vertical radius of curvature
        N =  a/math.sqrt(1 - e**2*math.sin(lat)**2)
        x = (N + alt)*math.cos(lat)*math.cos(lon)
        y = (N + alt)*math.cos(lat)*math.sin(lon)
        z = ((1 - e**2)*N + alt)*math.sin(lat)
        return (x, y, z)
    epoch = Time(2018, format='decimalyear', scale='tai') #01-01-2018 00:00:00, in TAI
    propagation_time = 9000 #seconds
    semi_major_axis = 10000 #km
    eccentricity = 0.1
    inclination = 50 #deg
    raan = 70 #deg
    arg_perigee = 60 #deg
    true_anomaly = 80 #deg
    orbit = Orbit.from_classical(
        inclination*u.deg, raan*u.deg, 
    propagated_orbit = orbit.propagate(propagation_time*u.s)
    pos_gcrs = propagated_orbit.state.r
    sky_gcrs = SkyCoord(
        x=pos_gcrs[0], y=pos_gcrs[1], z=pos_gcrs[2],
        obstime=(epoch + propagation_time*u.s))
    pos_ecef = sky_gcrs.transform_to('itrs')
    pos_s = np.array((, 
    lat = 40 #deg
    lon = 50 #deg
    alt = 0.06 #km
    pos_t = np.array(lla2ecef(lat, lon, alt))
    #Compute angle at satellite between target and center of earth
    v1 = pos_t - pos_s
    v2 = -pos_s
    angle = math.acos(, v2)/(np.linalg.norm(v1)*np.linalg.norm(v2)))
    #convert to degrees
    angle = angle*180.0/math.pi