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MySQL Delete / Inner Join performance

I have a MySQL database with ~27 million rows in one of its tables (analyses). I indexed two of the variables, time and ID, with the statements

ALTER TABLE `analyses` ADD INDEX(`time`);

Each statement took ~4 minutes. I then attempted to delete redundant rows, with the statement

DELETE a1 FROM analyses a1 INNER JOIN analyses a2 WHERE a1.log_id > a2.log_id 
AND a1.ID= a2.ID AND a1.time=a2.time;

This statement has been executing for ~2 days without an error.

  1. Is there a way I can estimate how long this statement should take?
  2. From what I understand, interrupting this process (ctrl-C or kill) would not corrupt the database; am I correct that it'd be safe to do so?
  3. Is there a way I could formulate the DELETE statement to increase execution speed, or should I just wait for this process to complete?


  • Well, just for fun, you could try creating a new table with just the records that you want to retain...

    First get rid of your existing indexes, and instead create a compound index on (id,time).

    Then do this...

    CREATE TABLE my_new_table AS
    SELECT x.* 
      FROM analyses x
         ( SELECT id
                , time
                , MAX(log_id) log_id
             FROM analyses
               BY id
                , time
          ) y
         ON y.ID = x.ID 
        AND y.time = x.time
        AND y.log_id = x.log_id;