My input in csv file is like below:
 “No” “ename” age “gender” “salary”
1 “aaa” 23 f 1000
2 “bbb” 24 m 2000
3 “ccc” 25 “f” 3000
4 “ddd” 35 m 4000
5 “eee” 27 f 5000
Below code is written to remove quotes given in .csv file.
import csv
csv.register_dialect('myDialect', delimiter=',', doublequote=False,
quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, skipinitialspace='True')
f = open("pythonFiles/normal.csv", 'r')
normal = csv.reader(f, dialect='myDialect')
for data in normal:
print(data, len(data))
The output is shown below. I want to remove all of the quotes.
['“No”', '“ename”', 'age', '“gender”', '“salary”']
['1', '“aaa”', '23', 'f', '1000']
['2', '“bbb”', '24', 'm', '2000']
['3', '“ccc”', '25', '“f”', '3000']
['4', '“ddd”', '35', 'm', '4000']
['5', '“eee”', '27', 'f', '5000']
Maybe you could just use replace(...)
for data in normal:
data = [d.replace('“', '').replace('”', '') for d in data]
print(data, len(data))
You can also do lstrip(...)
and rstrip(...)
if you want to keep internal quotes intact:
for data in normal:
data = [d.lstrip('“').rstrip('”') for d in data]
print(data, len(data))
Please note that the quotes you are using are "left double quote" (“
) and "right double quote" (”
) not just simple "double quote" ("