I want to implement a simplified version of what I have suggested here to import some vertices from an OpenFOAM blockMeshDict
file and then visualize them with FreeCAD.
the part of the file I'm interested in is a list of tuples (xi yi zi)
s of floats, between parentheses after the vertices
keyword. the file looks like this:
(1 2 3)
(3 4 5)
I'm able to read the file from the same folder as the python script with:
import os
with open("blockMeshDict", "r") as f:
But then when I try to extract the content between the parentheses after the vertices
import re
r1=re.search(r'vertices\n\((.*?)\)', s)
print r1.group(1)
I get the error:
type 'exceptions.IndexError: no such group
and I don't know how to solve it. What I want to have in the end is a list of tuples like [(x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2)...]
I would appreciate it if you could help me know how I can implement this in Python 2.7.
P.S. A summary of this effort can be found in this GitHub Gist
This will be the main regex to find the outter structure: \bvertices\s*\((\s*(?:\([^)]+\)\s*)+)\)
Before that, we will remove all the comments.
And then an extra regex to extract all content inside the vertices structure: \([^)]+\)
See demo here.
The code:
import re
test_str = """
/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| ========= | |
| \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \\ / O peration | Version: 5 |
| \\ / A nd | Web: www.OpenFOAM.org |
| \\/ M anipulation | |
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
object blockMeshDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
convertToMeters 0.001;
(-20.6 0 -0.5)
(-20.6 25.4 -0.5) /* Some comment */
(0 -25.4 -0.5)
(0 0 -0.5)
(0 25.4 -0.5)
(206 -25.4 -0.5)
(206 0 -0.5)
(206 25.4 -0.5)
(290 -16.6 -0.5)
(290 0 -0.5)
(290 16.6 -0.5)
(-20.6 0 0.5)
(-20.6 25.4 0.5)
(0 -25.4 0.5)
(0 0 0.5)
(0 25.4 0.5)
(206 -25.4 0.5)
(206 0 0.5)
(206 25.4 0.5)
(290 -16.6 0.5)
(290 0 0.5)
(290 16.6 0.5)
/*(1 2 3 4)*/ // Commented tuple
//(1 2 3 4)
/* vertices commented
(-20.6 0 -0.5)
(-20.6 25.4 -0.5)
(0 -25.4 -0.5)
(0 0 -0.5)
(0 25.4 -0.5)
(206 -25.4 -0.5)
(206 0 -0.5)
(206 25.4 -0.5)
(290 -16.6 -0.5)
(290 0 -0.5)
(290 16.6 -0.5)
(2 4 1)
(1 3 0.3)
(1 4 2)
(2 3 4)
(2 4 0.25)
(2 1 1)
(1 1 0.25)
hex (0 3 4 1 11 14 15 12)
(18 30 1)
simpleGrading (0.5 $posY 1)
hex (2 5 6 3 13 16 17 14)
(180 27 1)
edgeGrading (4 4 4 4 $negY 1 1 $negY 1 1 1 1)
hex (3 6 7 4 14 17 18 15)
(180 30 1)
edgeGrading (4 4 4 4 $posY $posYR $posYR $posY 1 1 1 1)
hex (5 8 9 6 16 19 20 17)
(25 27 1)
simpleGrading (2.5 1 1)
hex (6 9 10 7 17 20 21 18)
(25 30 1)
simpleGrading (2.5 $posYR 1)
type patch;
(0 1 12 11)
type patch;
(8 9 20 19)
(9 10 21 20)
type wall;
(1 4 15 12)
(4 7 18 15)
(7 10 21 18)
type wall;
(0 3 14 11)
(3 2 13 14)
(2 5 16 13)
(5 8 19 16)
type empty;
(0 3 4 1)
(2 5 6 3)
(3 6 7 4)
(5 8 9 6)
(6 9 10 7)
(11 14 15 12)
(13 16 17 14)
(14 17 18 15)
(16 19 20 17)
(17 20 21 18)
// ************************************************************************* //
# Clean comments:
test_str = re.sub(r"//.*", '', test_str)
test_str = re.sub(r"/\*.*?\*/", '', test_str, 0, re.DOTALL)
# Match main group
matches = re.findall(r"\bvertices\s*\((\s*(?:\([^)]+\)\s*)+)\)", test_str, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
# Fetch tuples
matches2 = re.findall(r"\([^)]+\)", matches[0], re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
print matches2
\b # word boundary
vertices # literal 'vertices'
\s* # 0 or more spaces (includes line feed/carriage return)
\( # literal '('
( # First capturing group
\s* # Som spaces
(?: # Group
\([^)]+\) # literal '(' + any non-')' character 1 or more times + literal ')'
\s* # extra spaces
)+ # repeated one or more times
\) # literal ')'
Then you get that captured group and search for \([^)]+\)
. That will find instances of vertices.