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How to pass parameter to pipeline in azure data factory?

I have a file in azure data lake in which datetime is stored, so I want to pass that datetime to the pipeline as a parameter in azure data factory and use that parameter in xml query used in pipeline. How can I do that and use that parameter in a query in pipeline?

Here the the condition of fetch xml query in which i want to use that parameter

"condition attribute="createdon" operator="on-or-after" value="2018-08-20T22:10:35.1065671-07:00""

In above condition I have used static datetime, which I want dynamically from parameter.


  • You can easily use ADF V2 UI to author the pipeline. You could use a lookup activity to read the datetime from azure data lake and then reference the output of the lookup activity.


    Lookup1 is your look up activity name. Prop_0 is your data header name. You could use debug button to check the output of your lookup activity.

    '"condition attribute="createdon" operator="on-or-after" value="@{activity(\'Lookup1\').output.firstRow.Prop_0}"'

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