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How to: Multi screen/regions Silverlight application?

I have to create now a multi-screen Silverlight 4 RIA application with MVVM.

Each of these screens has to be devided in multiple regions (for example master-detail scenario whereas each of them is a different section and one has control on the other).

Can you give me some ideas what should be the right way to implement such an application?
Is Prism the right choice? I started reading the Prism manual and liked very much the idea of having regions and screens switched and controls in a very flexible manner, but, as said above, I find it too overkill to split it all over many assemblies.

If Prism IS the right choice, then I would appreciate any kind of guidance or reference to guidance on this particular scenario (multiple screens & regions and OTOH not getting my solution spotted with a gazillion projects.


  • I believe that PRISM is the correct choice for building an application with multiple regions and views. You could argue that that is almost the definition of a composite application.

    But I would also remember that you don't have to use all the components PRISM has, you can pick and choose. I would recommend that you consider each aspect of PRISM and test/prototype to ensure you are happy with the facilties offered. In a large application I have built I use PRISM but after some prototype investigations I only used EventAggregator and the Modularity capabilities.

    I chose not to use the region support as I found working with ItemControl and ContentControl components in Silverlight gave me the ability to inject views and partial views into my interface.

    I found experience from ASP.NET MVC proved useful in considering how to coordinate/break up my UI into partial views.

    Hope that helps. The Stocktrader application is a great example to learn from (included with the PRISM distributable).