I am looking to keep track of the list of keys that are stored in a cos bucket.
I am using Python and currently my code is:
files = cos.Bucket('bucketname').objects.all()
for file in files:
data[file.key] = 'not processed'
This is extremely slow for me as there are quite a lot of 1M+ keys in my bucket at the moment.
Is there a better way? I'm currently looking at https://alexwlchan.net/2018/01/listing-s3-keys-redux/
But I am having trouble since the ibm-cos-sdk returns an s3 resource and not a client when establishing the connection.
Any tips would be appreciated.
You can use code similar to the one you linked to. I was able to execute it with code like this:
# fetch endpoints
endpoints = requests.get(endpoints_list_uri).json()
cos_host = (endpoints['service-endpoints']['regional']['us-south']['public']['us-south'])
#create client
cos = ibm_boto3.client('s3',endpoint_url='https://'+cos_host)
# retrieve keys from bucket
for key in keys:
print key
Note that I have modified both function headers to allow passing in the S3 client object. If there is interest, I could put the entire source code on GitHub etc.