I have an inline bot similar to @pic and it works ok, when I type query word I can see pictures appear so I can choose one and send to a chat. The problem is when I do - 2 copies of same result are sent. This happens only on iOS client. On Android, PC and other platforms only one picture is being sent. I have checked all logs (the bot is done in Node.js) and for every request I have a single response. It seems to be a iOS client bug, although @pic bot works fine. Has someone encountered this bug or have an idea of what can cause it?
Example of answerInlineQuery response object
"inline_query_id": "817150058382989968",
"results": [
"type": "photo",
"id": "se090",
"photo_url": "http://www.shadowera.com/secardbot361/se090.jpg",
"thumb_url": "http://www.shadowera.com/secardbot361/se090.jpg",
"photo_width": 344,
"photo_height": 480,
"title": "Tracking Gear",
"description": "You can view the hands of opposing players.",
"caption": "king"
UPDATE: So I have created a simplest possible inline bot in node.js @iosinlinebot (you can try it) AND you have the same exact behaviour: only on iOS devices you will send 2 images to the chat once tapped on the result. Here is the code:
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
const https = require("https");
let answer = {
inline_query_id: event.inline_query.id,
results: [{
type: "photo",
id: "abcd",
photo_url: "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/jVXglyWWL5J2y1vRN-7Jy3_ozvvZc4w5486IAkbAIrWcNN_vn7YuIvhc1JDtGq43BqGl=s180",
thumb_url: "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/jVXglyWWL5J2y1vRN-7Jy3_ozvvZc4w5486IAkbAIrWcNN_vn7YuIvhc1JDtGq43BqGl=s180",
photo_width: 180,
photo_height: 180,
title: "title",
description: "description",
caption: "test"
let postBody = JSON.stringify(answer);
let options = {
hostname: "api.telegram.org",
port: 443,
path: "/bot" + process.env.TOKEN + "/answerInlineQuery",
method: "POST",
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Content-Length': postBody.length
let postreq = https.request(options, (res) => {
const body = [];
res.on('data', (chunk) => body.push(chunk));
res.on('end', () => {
let j = body.join('');
this is an event object (coming from telegram):
"update_id": 12345678,
"inline_query": {
"id": "123456789123456789",
"from": {
"id": 123456789,
"is_bot": false,
"first_name": "Firstname",
"username": "username",
"language_code": "it-IT"
"query": "test",
"offset": ""
Thanks to Sedric Heidarizarei we were able to find the problem. It is a telegram iOS client bug. If InlineQueryResultPhoto
object contains caption field, you user will post 2 images to the chat.
It is very important to close the Begin and the End of your regex with ^
and $
For example a user with this regex /^[/]start/
can use start
and start a
and start b
as Bot command And will allow Them to receive your photo, But with /^[/]start$/
, The user must enter the exact /start Command.
1: Use This Module: node-telegram-bot-api
2: And Send Your Photo:
bot.onText(/^[/]start$/, (msg) => {
const opts = {
parse_mode: 'Markdown',
reply_markup: {
inline_keyboard: [[{
text: '🔙',
callback_data: 'back'
bot.sendPhoto(msg.chat.id, 'AgADBAADn64xBoABCx8L8trMV9eMqgDAAEC', opts); // Your Photo id
Open an empty project and just use and check your InlineQueryResultPhoto
That is a Telegram bug for For temporary use, remove caption
from your let answer ={}