Given a huge graph that is partitioned across several nodes. Each node contains some partition of the set of vertices and global adjacency information.
What is the best way to implement to a BFS over this distributed graph, given a source vertex and the address of the node it resides on. The solution should be reliable, and fast.
There are a lot of ways to make this work. Here is a simple approach, that leverages
I will assume that there are three pools of machines available to you.
Then the algorithm proceeds as follows:
Insert into your kv store the fact that you reached the starting vertex at `(0, Null)` where the pair is `(generation, from)`:
while not finished and last generation found new stuff:
Do a mapreduce from your k/v store:
map gets (vertex, (found_generation, from_vertex):
- sends:
if found_generation is current_generation:
foreach new_vertex adjacent to vertex (lookup in graph db):
send: new_vertex: (current_generation + 1, vertex)
send: vertex: (found_generation, from_vertex)
reduce gets (vertex, (found1, v1), (found2, v2), ...)
search list for sample record with minimum found
store minimum found back in k/v store
if found target:
recursively walk k/v store to reconstruct the path
clear k/v store of working set
return answer
The key is that all lookups to/from the graph and the k/v store are distributed, and all work within the map/reduce is also distributed. The synchronization per generation is minimal. Therefore this will do most of the work in a distributed way.
And a performance note. In general going from a simple implementation on a single machine to a distributed machine is an order of magnitude increase in cost and resources, followed by tremendous scalability. Going from a simple implementation to a well-optimized one tends to be 1-2 orders of magnitude improvements in performance, but you're limited to what one machine can do. Pick carefully which approach to take. Only be distributed if you really need to be.