I've looked through full 14 pages list of similar problems but didn't find my case.
I have VS2017 c++ solution which has two projects DLL and EXE. EXE projects includes DLL header to import function from it.
The problem is that linker can't find dllproject.lib
file. I tried to add it to Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies
but didn't help because linker failed to find that lib file and it exists in the output folder.
Then I used
#pragma comment( lib, "C:\\FULL_PATH\\dllproject.lib")
And this time helped. But the problem is my local absolute path to the lib. I suppose I can somehow configure that in the project settings, but all my attempts failed.
In the DLL header file I have the block (was advised in other answers).
#define MYDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define MYDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
Please help.
Adding a library to your project is a two step process.
You add the library name to Linker/Input/Additional Dependencies and you add the library folder to Linker/General/Additional Library Directories.
Then of course you have the potential problem of your program failing to find your DLL, but that's another question.