Okay, so this is a bit of both Python 2.7, and Ren'Py, so bear with me (I'm rusty, so I might just be doing something incredibly stupid)
I have an input:
input default "0" length 20 value VariableInputValue('playstore_search')
This goes on to run a function to check for matches in (currently one) nested list:
if playstore_search.strip():
$ tempsearch = playstore_search.strip()
text tempsearch:
color "#000"
yalign .5 # this is just temporary to show me what the tempsearch looks like
$ realtimesearchresult = realtime_search(tempsearch,playstore_recommended)
if realtimesearchresult:
text "[realtimesearchresult]":
color "#000"
yalign .6
This goes on to call this function:
def realtime_search(searchterm=False,listname=False):
if searchterm and listname:
indices = [i for i, s in enumerate(listname) if searchterm in s]
if indices:
return indices
And, this is a modified list of what it searches:
default playstore_recommended = [
['HSS','Studio Errilhl','hss'],
['Making Movies','Droid Productions','makingmovies'],
['Parental Love','Luxee','parentallove'],
['A Broken Family','KinneyX23','abrokenfamily'],
['Inevitable Relations','KinneyX23','inevitablerelations'],
['The DeLuca Family','HopesGaming','thedelucafamily'],
['A Cowboy\'s Story','Noller72','acowboysstory']
Now, if I search for hss
, it'll find that - and if I search for makingmovies
it'll find that - however, if I search for droid
(or Droid
as it isn't case-insensitive currently) it won't find anything.
So, this is at least a twofold question: 1. How do I make this whole thing case-insensitive 2. How do I make it match partial strings
Okay, so stuff is now sort of working. However, there are still some issues. The complete list to match against is quite a bit more complex than what was posted above, and it seems that it doesn't match on string hits "in the middle of a string" - just on the first word. So, if I have something like this:
['This is a test string with the words game and move in it'],
['This is another test string, also containing game']
and I search for "game", one would expect two results. But I get 0. If, however, I search for "this", I get two results.
I recommend converting the entries in the nested-list to lowercase first and then search for the term using find()
. Consider following function:
myListOfLists = [
['HSS','Studio Errilhl','hss'],
['Making Movies','Droid Productions','makingmovies'],
['Parental Love','Luxee','parentallove'],
['A Broken Family','KinneyX23','abrokenfamily'],
['Inevitable Relations','KinneyX23','inevitablerelations'],
['The DeLuca Family','HopesGaming','thedelucafamily'],
['A Cowboy\'s Story','Noller72','acowboysstory']
searchFor = 'hss'
result = [ [ l.lower().find(searchFor) == 0 for l in thisList ] for thisList in myListOfLists ]
Using above code, value of result
[[True, False, True],
[False, False, False],
[False, False, False],
[False, False, False],
[False, False, False],
[False, False, False],
[False, False, False],
[False, False, False],
[False, False, False]]
If you wish to find just one boolean value from the entire list of lists do:
any([any(r) for r in result])
If you use searchFor = 'droid'
, it should return True
as well.
To find index of True
, I recommend using where
command from numpy
import numpy as np
idx = np.where(result)
For example, searchFor = 'life'
, value of idx
will be:
(array([2, 2], dtype=int64), array([0, 2], dtype=int64))
To find index without using numpy
(not as elegant):
indices = [ [idx if val else -1 for idx, val in enumerate(r) ] for r in result ]
This will give positive values corresponding to index where match occurs, else will give -1
[[-1, -1, -1],
[-1, -1, -1],
[0, -1, 2],
[-1, -1, -1],
[-1, -1, -1],
[-1, -1, -1],
[-1, -1, -1],
[-1, -1, -1],
[-1, -1, -1]]
Hope that helps!