F# Beginner here, I want to draw a Polygon using ImageSharp. The build fails with:
No overloads match for method 'DrawPolygon'. The available overloads are shown below. error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type 'Image' but here has type 'a * 'b'.
let renderRect(img:Image<Rgba32>) =
let points: PointF list = [
new PointF(float32 2.0, float32 8.0);
new PointF(float32 4.0, float32 1.0);
new PointF(float32 1.0, float32 7.0);
new PointF(float32 5.0, float32 2.0);
img.Mutate (fun x -> x.DrawPolygon(Rgba32.White, 1.0, points))
The signature of the method i want to call:
static IImageProcessingContext<TPixel> DrawPolygon<TPixel>(this IImageProcessingContext<TPixel> source, TPixel color, float thickness, params PointF[] points) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel>
I see several issues:
should be a float32
, not a float
. Note that rather than calling the float32
function, you can just use a literal of the correct type by adding a suffix: 1.0f
needs to be an Action<_>
, so it shouldn't return anything; this means you should ignore the result of the DrawPolygon
call rather than returning it. You can achieve this by putting |> ignore
after the call.Here's a version of your code with these issues addressed:
let renderRect(img:Image<Rgba32>) =
let points = [|
PointF(2.0f, 8.0f);
PointF(4.0f, 1.0f);
PointF(1.0f, 7.0f);
PointF(5.0f, 2.0f);
img.Mutate (fun x -> x.DrawPolygon(Rgba32.White, 1.0f, points) |> ignore)
Since you didn't include a full repro (or even the list of suggested overloads from the error message!) it's hard to know if there's anything else that needs to be changed.