Can pylint be configured to check for a specific static text such as a copyright notice at the top of every file?
E.g. validate that the following two lines begin every file:
# Copyright Spacely Sprockets, 2018-2062
You could write your own checker:
from pylint.checkers import BaseRawFileChecker
class CopyrightChecker(BaseRawFileChecker):
""" Check the first line for copyright notice
name = 'custom_copy'
msgs = {'W9902': ('Include copyright in file',
('Your file has no copyright')),
options = ()
def process_module(self, node):
"""process a module
the module's content is accessible via function
with as stream:
for (lineno, line) in enumerate(stream):
if lineno == 1:
# Check for copyright notice
# if it fails add an error message
def register(linter):
"""required method to auto register this checker"""
See more about custom checkers in the pylint documentation. Also this excellent post about the subject.
Thanks to @Diego in the comments for noticing that this was outdated, now we can just inherit from BaseRawFileChecker