I have been trying to learn how to do subtyping using ssreflect, http://ssr.msr-inria.inria.fr/~jenkins/current/mathcomp.ssreflect.eqtype.html as my main reference, but have been running into problems. What I'm trying to do is from a type T
with three terms, create a subtype T'
with two terms a,b
(1) what is the difference between {x:T | P x}
and subType P
(2) From my code below, I have Sub a Pa
to be a term of T'
, is it possible to have a general proof that applies for both a, b
? I'm confused here as from eqType.v
it feels as though insub
is the one to be used to project from a type into its subtype.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype.
Inductive T : Set := a | b | c.
Definition P := fun (x:T) =>
match x with
| a => true
| b => true
| c => false
Definition T' := {x:T | P x}.
Definition T'' := subType P.
Definition cast (x: T) : option T'.
destruct (P x) eqn:prf.
- exact (Some (exist _ x prf)).
- exact None.
Definition Pa : is_true (P a).
destruct (P a) eqn:prf.
exact. simpl in prf. unfold is_true. symmetry. apply prf. Defined.
Check (Sub a Pa) : T'.
Check val (Sub a Pa) : T.
Check insub (val (Sub a Pa)) : option T'.
Definition Px :forall x : T, is_true (P x).
intros x. destruct (P x) eqn:prf.
- unfold is_true. reflexivity.
- unfold is_true.
(1) what is the difference between {x:T | P x} and subType P?
subType P
is a record containing all the relevant proofs for P
to establish a subType of some types val : U -> T
{x : T | P x}
is a regular sigma type, and if P
is a boolean predicate math-comp has declared a canonical way of building the subType P
record for that type.
(2) From my code below, I have Sub a Pa to be a term of T', is it possible to have a general proof that applies for both a, b? I'm confused here as from eqType.v it feels as though insub is the one to be used to project from a type into its subtype.
I am unsure about what you mean. insub
does not "project" but tries to embed [which is not always possible]. In your case, the proof is easy enough, and you don't have to complicate things so much:
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Inductive T : Set := a | b | c.
Definition is_ab (x:T) : bool := match x with
| a | b => true
| c => false
Definition abT := { x : T | is_ab x }.
Lemma abT_is_ab (x : abT) : is_ab (val x).
Proof. exact: valP. Qed.