i want to restart an osgi bundle at a particular time for the day .i am using apache-servicemix-4.3.0-fuse-02-00.
console wise i want to do this . if my bundle id is 210
osgi:stop 210
osgi:start 210
how can i schedule this ?
If your servicemix has ssh console enabled you could use:
ssh smx@IP_TO_FRAMEWORK -p 8101 osgi:stop 210
ssh smx@IP_TO_FRAMEWORK -p 8101 osgi:start 210
However, you need to insert the password for the smx user here... I've not found how to use a key-base authentication here. (ssh-copy-id does not work..)
An other solution would be to drop the bundle into the deploy directory. Probably a simple touch would be enough. (I do not know, if changing the timestamps would be enough to trigger a re-installation.)
And a third option: Writing a bundle which will start/stop the other bundle, given a Java Timer which will perform the restart task once a day...
But you should check if you could not change the bundle, so it does not require a daily reboot.