I'm using SQLAlchemy 0.6.6 against a Postgres 8.3 DB on Windows 7 an PY 2.6. I am leaving the defaults for configuring pooling when I create my engine, which is pool_size=5, max_overflow=10.
For some reason, the connections keep piling up and I intermittently get "Too many clients" from PG. I am positive that connections are being closed in a finally block as this application is only accessed via WSGI (CherryPy) and uses a connection/request pattern. I am also logging when connections are being closed just to make sure.
I've tried to see what's going on by adding echo_pool=true during my engine creation, but nothing is being logged. I can see SQL statement rolling through the console when I set echo=True, but nothing for pooling.
Anyway, this is driving me crazy because my co-worker who is on a Mac doesn't have any of these issues (I know, get a Mac), so I'm trying to see if this is the result of a bug or something. Google has yielded nothing so I'm hoping to get some help here.
Thanks, cc
Turns out there was ScopedSession being used outside the normal application usage and the close wasn't in a finally.