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Laravel - Retrieve collections through two pivot tables

I'm currently struggling with the following issue in Laravel 5.6, let's say I have the following database tables:

  1. Websites (e.g. id|name)
  2. Website_providers (e.g. id|website_id|provider_id)
  3. Provider_posts (e.g. id|provider_id|post_id|post_name)
  4. Posts (e.g. id|name)

I'm looking for a nice way to retrieve the posts based on a website ID. A website can have multiple providers assigned (through website_providers) and providers can have multiple posts assigned to them (also can they provide a custom post_name which should overrule the standard

What is the best way to achieve this in Laravel? I've yet tried doing it through relations, but can't get it too work smoothly. I also tried loading the posts using a pretty long join query, but it just doesn't feel right, there's got to be a more simple and prettier way.

Thanks in advance!


  • There is no native relationship for this case.

    I created a HasManyThrough relationship with support for BelongsToMany: Repository on GitHub

    After the installation you can use it like this:

    class Website extends Model {
        use \Staudenmeir\EloquentHasManyDeep\HasRelationships;
        public function posts() {
            return $this->hasManyDeep(
                ['website_providers', Provider::class, 'provider_posts']
            )->withPivot('provider_posts', ['post_name']);