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Gonum throws bad region panic when using an embedded struct

I am using gonum to perform a few linear algebra calculations. After extending the original mat.VecDense struct I am getting a "bad region: identical" panic when applying a method on itself. This error does not occur when I am using the original setup gonum provides.

Here is my implementation:

type Vector struct {
func NewVector(n int, data []float64) *Vector {
    return &Vector{*mat.NewVecDense(n, data)}

I am testing it using the following snippet:

func main() {
    u, v := mat.NewVecDense(3, []float64{1, 2, 3}), mat.NewVecDense(3, []float64{4, 5, 6})
    fmt.Printf("[U - NewVecDense]\tADDRESS: %v, VALUE: %v\n", &u, u)
    fmt.Printf("[V - NewVecDense]\tADDRESS: %v, VALUE: %v\n", &v, v)
    u.AddVec(u, v)

    x, y := NewVector(3, []float64{1, 2, 3}), NewVector(3, []float64{4, 5, 6})
    fmt.Printf("[X - NewVector]\tADDRESS: %v, VALUE: %v\n", &x, x)
    fmt.Printf("[Y - NewVector]\tADDRESS: %v, VALUE: %v\n", &y, y)
    x.AddVec(x, y)

While the first addition executes fine, the second fails:

[U - NewVecDense]   ADDRESS: 0xc42000c028, VALUE: &{{[1 2 3] 1} 3}
[V - NewVecDense]   ADDRESS: 0xc42000c030, VALUE: &{{[4 5 6] 1} 3}
[X - NewVector] ADDRESS: 0xc42000c040, VALUE: &{{{[1 2 3] 1} 3}}
[Y - NewVector] ADDRESS: 0xc42000c048, VALUE: &{{{[4 5 6] 1} 3}}
panic: mat: bad region: identical

AddVec is a method implemented by gonum:

func (v *VecDense) AddVec(a, b Vector)

Why is this happening, hand what is the right way of implementing this?


Thanks to @Himanshu I managed to solve the problem.

I created pass-through methods for each method I am using, passing the right level of the struct through:

type Vector struct {

func NewVector(n int, data []float64) Vector {
    return Vector{mat.NewVecDense(n, data)}

func (v *Vector) AddVec(a, b Vector) {
    v.VecDense.AddVec(a.VecDense, b.VecDense)

func (v *Vector) SubVec(a, b Vector) {
    v.VecDense.SubVec(a.VecDense, b.VecDense)

func (v *Vector) ScaleVec(alpha float64, a Vector) {
    v.VecDense.ScaleVec(alpha, a.VecDense)

func (v *Vector) AddScaledVec(a Vector, alpha float64, b Vector) {
    v.VecDense.AddScaledVec(a.VecDense, alpha, b.VecDense)

In addition - I am not sure if this is the right approach or not - I have also changed the return type for NewVector from pointer to value, since it holds a pointer to the mat.VecDense anyway. Note that *mat.VecDense satisfies the Vector interface from gonum, so passing this internal field on to the methods worked fine, as the example above shows.


  • In Golang it is described for promoted methods as

    Promoted fields act like ordinary fields of a struct except that they cannot be used as field names in composite literals of the struct.

    Given a struct type S and a defined type T, promoted methods are included in the method set of the struct as follows:

    • If S contains an embedded field T, the method sets of S and *S both include promoted methods with receiver T. The method set of *S also includes promoted methods with receiver *T.
    • If S contains an embedded field *T, the method sets of S and *S both include promoted methods with receiver T or *T.

    The problem is that you are passing pointer type arguments to AddVec function. But you are using pointer type fields in second case.

    func (v *VecDense) AddVec(a, b Vector)

    One more thing to notice is that AddVec has value type arguments of Vector struct but you are passing pointer to Vector fields as

    x, y := NewVector(3, []float64{1, 2, 3}), NewVector(3, []float64{4, 5, 6}) 

    In above code x,y are pointer type returned from NewVector

    x.AddVec(x, y)